福灣巧克力 榮獲5金7銀1銅及6個特別獎 共19項大獎


雄踞黑巧克力 調味黑巧克力 二大類別分別奪金




素有「巧克力界奧斯卡獎」之稱的「世界巧克力大賽」International Chocolate Awards (ICA)全球總決賽,今年以線上方式於2021年5月10日舉行頒獎典禮。由於新冠疫情依然在全球延燒,大賽時程及名稱也由原本的2020年度賽,調整為2020-21一年半的賽制,下一屆預計同樣展延為2021-2022一年半的賽程。今年,台灣巧克力品牌「福灣巧克力」再度創下亮眼成績,奪下5金、7銀、1銅,以及6個特別獎,共19項大獎,蟬聯全球獲獎最多巧克力品牌,並以「70%草莓啤酒酵母黑巧克力」獲得「小批次原味黑巧克力類」的世界冠軍,以及「62%鐵觀音巧克力」獲得「調味類黑巧克力」的世界冠軍,創下連續三年皆奪得原味與調味巧克力世界冠軍的紀錄。 「世界巧克力大賽」始於2012年,賽事將全球劃分為美洲、亞太、比利時、法國、英國等10多個區域先進行評選,各區域勝出的得獎者,才能晉級參加全球總決賽;評審為來自世界各地業界的專家,評比方式則是由評審進行盲選,是業界公認規模最大、評選標準最高,也最為公正客觀的巧克力賽事。


In the 2020-2021 International Chocolate Awards World Final, FU WAN Chocolate is awarded 5 gold 7 silver 1 bronze and 6 special awards.  It’s FU WAN’s third time to be awarded gold in both “Flavored” and “Dark” chocolate category, and is also the “62% Tie-Guan-Yin Tea Chocolate” awarded the champion of world flavored dark chocolate three years in a row. A total of 19 awards is also the second time that FU WAN becomes the most annually awarded chocolate brand in the world. 








70%草莓啤酒酵母巧克力以福灣巧克力獨特的「酵母發酵工法」,將在地精釀啤酒的草莓啤酒酵母粕,加入新鮮的可可豆中共同低溫發酵,乾燥後再經過「低溫窖藏熟成工法」,轉化出耐人尋味的美好風味。不辜負巧克力NASA的稱號,福灣巧克力的原創工藝,再度驚艷世界。 品嘗此款巧克力需讓味蕾保持乾淨敏銳,含入口中待其緩慢融化,將品嚐到輕盈的洋甘菊花香、細緻的柑橘牛奶糖、爽的草莓莓果香,以及溫柔的堅果及巧克力苦韻。


70%  Strawberry Beer Yeast Dark Chocolate

This chocolate is made by the cacao bean that has been fermented with strawberry beer yeast in a temperature and moisture controlled fermentation room. After the fermentation, the bean was aged in the low-temp bean cellar for several weeks, to develop the subtle aroma and smooth mouthfeel. The chocolate has very pleasant mouthfeel and gentle tasting notes such as chamomile, orange zest, berries, and caramel. 



2020-21 ICA 世界巧克力大賽 全球總決賽 四金牌二特別獎

小批次原味黑巧克力金牌 / 巧克力製作者金牌 / 直接採購金牌 / 栽種國家金牌

限量特別獎 / 添加發酵特別獎


2020-21 ICA World Final

Micro Batch – Plain/Dark Chocolate –  Gold

+Gold – Growing Country

+Gold – Chocolate Maker

+Gold – Direct Trade

+Special Award – Limited Edition

+Special Award – Fermentation Additions




 │ Philotes希臘神話中代表友誼的女神




70% Beer Yeast #3 ”Philotes”American Ale Style Rough Ground Dark Chocolate

This chocolate is made by the cacao bean that has been fermented with American Ale style beer yeast in a temperature and moisture controlled fermentation room. After the fermentation, the bean was aged in the low-temperature bean cellar for several weeks, to develop the brilliant aroma and smooth mouthfeel. The chocolate has a very rough mouthfeel and very explosive tasting notes such as orange, grape, pineapple, and pear. 



2020-21 ICA 世界巧克力大賽 

全球總決賽- 原味黑巧克力銀牌


2020-21 ICA World Final

Micro Batch – Plain/Dark Chocolate –  Sliver




│ Alice




70% Wine Yeast #1“Alice”Dark Chocolate

This bar is made by the cacao bean that has been fermented with wine yeast and wild yeast in a temperature and moisture controlled fermentation room. After the fermen-tation, the bean was aged in the low-temp bean cellar for several weeks, to develop the subtle aroma and smooth mouthfeel. The chocolate has very pleasant mouthfeel and gentle tasting notes such as hazelnut, almond, brioche, and berries. 



2020-21 ICA 世界巧克力大賽 

全球總決賽- 原味黑巧克力銀牌


2020-21 ICA World Final

Micro Batch – Plain/Dark Chocolate –  Sliver




│ 奶茶系列




56% Charcoaled Oolong Milk Tea Chocolate

This chocolate is made with the base of Ping Tung cacao and is grinded with Taiwan charcoaled oolong tea. It has very charming tasting notes like sesame, mint, and gar-denia. The proper milk flavor balances the astringency from the chocolate and tea powder, brings the chocolate a very pleasant mouthfeel. It’s an artwork that tells the story about the milk tea culture in Taiwan. 



2020-21 ICA 世界巧克力大賽 

全球總決賽- 調味類牛奶巧克力 – 銀牌


2020-21 ICA World Final

Dark chocolate bars with an infusion or flavoring – Silver




│ 奶茶系列


以台灣屏東巧克力為基底,融合東方美人高雅細膩的熟果花香, 並以玫瑰花粉與玉荷包荔枝粉作為點綴提香, 淡淡的奶香平衡茶與巧克力的澀感,帶出馥郁優雅的迷人調性。由於多種食材結合的複雜性與成品的平衡感,在世界大賽中得到了一個很特別的「食譜配方特別獎」。


56% Rose Lychee Oriental Beauty Milk Tea Chocolate

This chocolate is made with the base of Ping Tung cacao and is grinded with Taiwan oriental beauty tea, rose powder, and lychee powder, very enchanting and elegant combination. The proper milk flavor balances the astringency from the chocolate and tea powder, brings the chocolate a very pleasant mouthfeel. The complexity of the recipe brings it a “Recipe Special Award”in 2020-21 ICA world final.  



2020-21 ICA 世界巧克力大賽 

全球總決賽- 調味類牛奶巧克力 – 銀牌


2020-21 ICA World Final

Dark chocolate bars with an infusion or flavoring – Silver
+ Special Award – Local Ingredient








62% Red Oolong Dark Chocolate

This chocolate is made with the base of Ping Tung cacao and is grinded with Taiwan Red Oolong Tea from high mountain area in the central of Taiwan, which is not usual since the red oolong tea is usually produced on the east coast of Taiwan. It has very bright tasting notes like rose, cardamom, pistachio, and ends up with toffee notes. 



2020-21 ICA 世界巧克力大賽 

全球總決賽- 調味類黑巧克力 – 銀牌



2020-21 ICA World Final

Dark chocolate bars with an infusion or flavoring – Silver

+ Special Award – Local Ingredient



